Reuniting founders
There is a reason why we are called The Founders Festival: Back in 2014, Bits & Pretzels started as a small founders breakfast with just 80 participants.
Today, thousands of founders, the world's leading companies and the most inspiring speakers are joining our annual festival – sharing the belief that entrepreneurship can drive positive change in Germany, Europe and all over the world.
Voranmeldung erwünscht
Tragen Sie Ihre Webinare, Hausmessen, Seminare oder andere Veranstaltungstermine in den ONEtoONE-Terminkalender ein. Der Grundeintrag ist kostenfrei.
Mischenrieder Weg 18
82234 Weßling
Tel.: +49 (0) 89-57 83 87-0
Fax: +49 (0) 89-57 83 87-99